The only thing stopping you from your potential is your fear.

I’ve been sitting here contemplating and doubting the decision I made to start a blog. I’ve been having doubts and fears that I’m way over my head in wanting to want have a YouTube channel, a Facebook page, Instagram, and a blog. I’ve been feeling like this is just overwhelming. Why have I decided to take on all these projects along while working a 9 to 5 job? When people ask me how I got started on YouTube or ask advice about starting a YouTube channel, I always tell them “Just start! Find what you are passionate about and what you want to share with your potential audience and just do it!”

Now it’s time for me to take that advice. Now it’s time for me to stop second guessing, fearing that I’m not ready or good enough or (this is a big one) fearing that I can’t write an eloquent blog.

You’re probably wondering why am I starting a blog, what is my end goal? Well, I’ve had an interesting journey in life which we will dive into other posts, but I want to empower, motivate, and inspire women and possibly men to tap into that uniqueness inside them that makes them, beautifully themselves and encourage them to go after their potential.

We all are capable of achieving our ultimate self authorization to fulfill the lives we want, however the delimiting factor in all of this is our fears. But I want you to picture the greatest entrepreneurs, billionaires, musicians, artists, etc., do you think they didn’t have fears? Of course they did, but they had to reach a point in their lives when they chose their desires and because they did, they reached their potential. So what are your fears and what are your goals? What is stopping you? Why does it matter what another person thinks? I’m asking you the reader and also myself because let’s be real here I still have those doubts and fears. But what I have learned is that when you start, it’s not going to be nearly as close to what your desired vision is or maybe it is, but the key is that the more you practice and the more you invest into it the greater it will be. So, I challenge you to think and write your goals and any fears or doubts that you have associated each with. Now write down what would be the reward or how you would feel if you released that fear/doubt. Think about that feeling you have and keep it in mind and start your journey.

As always live life happily, healthily, and beautifully.


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