How I Take Photos By Myself In Public Using A Camera

Downtown Houston

Taking photos by yourself in public can be daunting, but pictures are sometimes necessary to help tell the story. 

Here are some tips on how to make taking photos by yourself easier and less daunting. 

  1. Location: When you’re first starting, you may feel nervous about it so, it is best to choose quiet places that don’t receive much traffic. Start in your backyard, a quiet park, or even inside your home. This helps you start get more comfortable with taking photos.
  1. Time of day: Depending on the location, the time you shoot plays a considerable role. For instance, if you are shooting during lunch hour on a Monday in a busy area like an office building, you can expect a lot of people coming in and out and potentially ending up in your photos. Not only is it more work to edit that, but it can make you nervous. I try to shoot on weekends or early in the morning when fewer people are out and about.
  1. Camera or Phone: Choosing a camera versus a phone depends on many different factors, and since cameras and lenses can be pricey, I recommend starting with a phone. In my first year and a half of blogging, I only used my phone. It wasn’t until recently I was ready to make the investment and felt comfortable using a camera in public.

The top three images were taken using a camera, while the bottom three were taken on an iPhone 11 Pro.

  1. Sturdy tripod: Stability is crucial when shooting. You want something sturdy enough to withstand any wind and something to protect your equipment. Also, you want something light and easy to carry around as well. I share some of my favorites in the FREE guide. Click here to download it.
  1. Remote: Now, you can choose to use a timer; however, I like to stay fluid when I shoot, and I find that having the remote gives me control to move freely as I shoot. There are remotes for both cameras and phones. For a camera, you may have to do a little more research to find the right one.
  1. Be confident and have fun! That’s the only way you will get over those nerves. Remember your why, and it will make the process much easier.

Watch the full vlog on YouTube!

Thanks for stopping by, as always live happily, healthily, and beautifully! — Syndie

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